Hi there and welcome!
My name is Joël Bühler (I am not picky about umlauts and pronunciation, so no worries) and I am a PhD student in the economics programme at University of Barcelona, at the Department of Econometrics, Statitics and Applied Economics.
My research interests center around ecology and technology, and how different institutions impact these crucial factors of human development. If you were to force me to subscribe to a subdiscipline, I would probably see myself most as an environmental and/or public economist. I also have a strong interest in heterodox economics, particularly Eco-Marxism, which in my opinion offers a very challenging theoretical perspective.
I spend a lot of my spare time doing sports like cycling and (cross-country) skiing.
Back in my hometown Liestal (Switzerland), I used to be a local parliamentarian for the Social Democrats and to blog about local and national politics; I will keep these posts (in German) online for archival reasons!
All my best,
- Does It Take More Than One Village? The Effect of Inter-Municipal Cooperation on Waste Separation
- The effect of Door-to-Door on separate collection of plastic packaging: evidence from Catalonia
- Vom Wert der Gewerkschaften: Eine Metastudie zum Einfluss von Gewerkschaften und Gesamtarbeits-verträgen auf Löhne, Arbeitsbedingungen und Produktivität
- Das bedingunglose Grundeinkommen ist die falsche Antwort auf die Probleme des 21. Jahrhunderts
- Höhe und Verlauf der Beitragssätze in der beruflichen Vorsorge der Schweiz
- Solidarische statt imperiale Schweiz